Friday, September 4, 2015

More Sega Goodness

As you can see, two videos of some great (and yet underrated) Sega titles.  I didn't record the 2nd one obviously, but linked it instead of mine because pcmaker's vid was of the full retail game instead of the demo that appears to hang after the prologue.

I couldn't get these working on Cxbx to save my arse.  Just goes to show you how feasible LLE really is for those who are still in doubt.



  1. It's amazing how all those games working well and the speed still slow. I don´t believe any word about microsoft in the past. A excusse there is no way to speed up the games and a few are already playable and bugged on a XBOX 360.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice ! At the same time, me and other people are doing Hex edit to force Xbox game to render in 720p or more in Ram upgraded Xbox:

    And yes, surely you will ask this: can we do that for Azurik too ? playing in 720p ? - The answer is : yes !

  4. Oh my god. There are precious few things in the world that would make me happier than seeing Gunvalkyire playable on a PC. That game is one of my all time favorites. Thanks for this news. I'm excited!

  5. Any news about this emu? I didn´t see it for weeks only for xenia emulator on John Good Games account on youtube. I'm worried about, the project is dead or freeze? What happen?

  6. When Qemu will release? I download 2.5.0 but i can't see exe or msi file.

  7. Download free Nintendo 64 ROMs here:

  8. has the emulator been abandoned???

  9. People are saying microsoft lose the documents about xbox, and the xbox consoles are dissapear because the pieaces from the xbox are very expensive? I just wanna pray for the games be emulated, i hope they can beat microsoft try to emulate this on xbox 360. So i'm worried about this!
